Serving as hosts for the 2013 Sioux Valley Whitetails Banquet were from left Whitetails Unlimited Field Director Tim Powers, Assistant Eric Yarbrow, and local chapter President Craig Handke.
By John Hackett:
Sioux Valley Whitetails Unlimited held its annual fundraising banquet Nov. 9th, 2013 at the Anthon Iowa Community Center. Each year this event sells out to the center’s 350 seating capacity in a matter of weeks after the tickets are offered. This year was no exception!
The evening started with the doors opening at 5:00 P.M., followed by a steak dinner served by Staley’s Food Service of Charter Oak Iowa at 7:00. Before the meal attendees had a chance to bid on several silent auction items, browse the live auction items to be offered latter in the evening, and to inspect the general raffle items that were drawn for throughout the night. Special drawings were held for the youth in attendance. Youngsters were categorized into three different age groups. Each one of the 79 youth in attendance won a prize. In total there was over 200 items given away or auctioned off, including 40 or so firearms.
Despite the smaller capacity venue Sioux Valley Whitetails annually ranks in the top tier of all Whitetails Unlimited fundraising banquets nationwide. Each year the local chapter raises around $8,000 to $10,000. The local and national chapter split the proceeds 50-50. The National Whitetails Unlimited Chapter spends 20% of its funds on education, 34% on habitat, 33% on hunting tradition and 13% on research. The local chapter spends 100% of its earnings on youth activities.
The past couple of years Sioux Valley Whitetails purchased equipment for the area schools for the National Archery in the Schools Program.
Each year the Sioux Valley Whitetails teams up with the Woodbury County Pheasants Forever chapter, Oak Ridge Gobblers of the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Little Sioux Park staff to put on a youth shooting sports day at Little Sioux Park near Correctionville Iowa. The free event is usually held in the Fall and attendance averages about 100. The youth are able to shoot .22 rifles, BB guns, shotguns, bows and sling shots. All participants are entered into drawings for abundant amounts of outdoor sporting gear at this event also.

The father and son team of Steve and Trayton Oberreuter of Battle Creek IA won two guns on the night at the Sioux Valley Whitetails Banquet. Pictured here with their Henry Big Boy 30-30, valued at $1,000.

Chase Schiernbeck of Battle Creek IA shows off the bow he won in the 6 to 8 year old age group drawing. When asked what he was going to do with the bow he replied excitedly, “I’m gonna shoot it!”