By Steve Weisman
Outdoor Editor

(photo submitted)
View from above at the St. Paul Ice Show.
How can an outdoor person get bored here in northwest Iowa? I mean right now we have hunting seasons going like crazy, the fall fishing is only getting better as the lake water temperatures fall! Oh, but that’s not all. Nope! Because the “pre-ice fishing craze” is just around the corner.
It always comes in early November and into December across the Midwest…major ice fishing shows such as the Dakota Angler Ice Institute in Sioux Falls (Nov. 10-12) and the St. Paul Ice Show (Dec. 1-3).
They are always fun to attend, but right here in northern Iowa we will have four ice fishing open houses that are close by and have lots to offer: November 3-5 at the Clear Lake Bait and Tackle in north central part of the state; Saturday, November 4 at Stan’s Bait and Tackle; Saturday, November 11 at Kebele’s; Saturday, November 25 at The Hook Up (Oak Hill Outdoor).
Matt Johnson, Ice Team Manager and Clam Pro Staff Director, notes that these local vents are extremely important to the ice fishing industry. “The combined efforts of ALL events are truly what make the ice fishing industry tick. So many independent retailers like these in northern Iowa have stepped up to the plate over the last several years to give our ice fishing community more opportunities to enjoy the sport, gather information, and ultimately equip themselves with the proper tools to do the job. I can’t say enough positive things about these smaller/independent retail events popping up. “They are fast becoming an integral part of the success of ice fishing.”
Looking at the northern Iowa venues
First off is The Clear Lake Open House/Ice Season Kickoff at Clear Lake Bait and Tackle, which is located on HWY 18 East in Clear Lake. Set for November 3-5, those in attendance can expect special deals, special guests, product reps and pro staffers to help put anglers into the perfect gear just for them. The weekend will also include product demonstrations and seminars.
Next up, Stan’s Ice Kickoff at Stan’s Bait and Tackle located on the north end of Milford Set for Saturday, November 4, the Ice Kickoff is ow in its 7th year. The day will run from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lots of deals and specials, along with pro staffers and dealer reps on hand. A highly anticipated event at Stan’s Ice Kickoff will be the annual fish fry hosted by the Iowa Great Lakes Fishing Club (IGLFC).
Kabele’s Trading Post, which is located on the north end of Hill Avenue in Spirit Lake, will host its 11th annual “Shop with the Pros Fish and Hunt” day on Saturday, November 11 running from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Several pro staffers and manufacturer reps will be on hand, along with a wide range in-house special discounts with the highlight being a special $1,000 Kabele’s Shopping Spree winner drawn toward the end of the day.
The Hook Up at Oak Hill Outdoors, located across the road to the south of Perkins at the north end of Milford, will host its 4th annual Ice Extravaganza on Saturday, November 25 with doors opening at 8 a.m. The day will be filled with deals, in-store specials and pro staffers and product reps on hand to answer questions and provide demonstrations. In addition, Oak Hill Outdoor will be having live music with Neon Horizon starting at 4 p.m.
A look at regional multi-state ice fishing open houses
First up is the 15th annual Dakota Angler Ice Institute at the Sioux Falls Convention Center, November 10-12. Since its inception in 2008, it has become the second largest ice fishing snow in the country. Organizers believe it will be the largest Ice Institute ever. Johnson is amazed by the efforts of Todd Heitkamp to expand his vision for an ice fishing event.
Johnson reflects, “What Todd Heitkamp has done with the Dakota Angler Ice Institute in Sioux Falls is beyond noteworthy. He’s taken a vision where his goal was to educate via a seminar setting and he’s grown it into one of the largest ice fishing shows in the country. His formula for the event also makes it very easy for the consumer and vendor, where a vast majority of the products displayed are his own, and for sale right at the point of contact. Many shows setup vendor booths and then direct people to buy elsewhere, where the Dakota Angler Ice Institute streamlines that process and makes the consumer’s job a whole lot easier. Plus, the seminars continue to draw a crowd where other shows and events have seen a decline in this category. Kudos to Todd on turning this into a sought-after event!”
The biggest of them all is the 30th annual St. Paul Ice Fishing and Winter Sports Show presented by Clam Outdoors located at the St. Paul River Center. Held Friday, December 1 through Sunday, December 3. Visitors can shop more than 190 exhibits with products and services geared toward winter sports enthusiasts. A full range of seminars and the chance to visit with some of ice fishing’s top pro staffers.
Johnson says, “This is truly the Super Bowl of ice fishing shows! No doubt this is the largest ice fishing show in the world, with over 25,000 people attending on average and some years even surpassing 27,000! Packed full of vendors, retailers, exhibits, seminars, food, and more, the St Paul Ice Show is the crown jewel of the ‘ice shows.’ I know there are a lot of people that travel in from all over the country and Canada to attend this show, and they lock it in on their calendars months in advance. This year is the 30th anniversary of the show, so expect more big things to happen and you can bet it will be packed full of booths again! Always one that the industry looks forward to every year!”
Are you excited yet? As the dates draw closer, check out individual websites/Facebook pages to learn more.
No ice, but some great ice fishing venues coming up in the next six weeks! Looks like it’s time for ice show road trippin’!