By Steve Weisman
It’s now official! Thursday, September 14 highlighted teamwork across borders between conservationists in both Minnesota and Iowa with the formal dedication of the Howard K. Vincent Waterfowl Production Area Site, a 195.5 acre parcel of farmland now set to become both a much-needed wildlife area and an important buffer to help protect Big Spirit Lake waters.

WPA visual
Held onsite for the open-to-the-public dedication and program, followed by a reception at Mini-Wakan Lodge on the north shore of Big Spirit Lake, the dedication included well over 100 people, including individuals and organizations involved in securing the property that had been so important to stakeholders in both states for decades.
The dedication included master of ceremonies, Bob St. Pierre, Pheasants Forever’s Chief Marketing & Communications Officer; Matt Holland, Pheasants Forever’s Vice President of Grant Development; John Smeltzer, President of Spirit Lake Protective Association; Pheasants Forever’s Marilyn Vetter, the current President and CEO; and the dedication recipient, Howard K. Vincent, former Pheasants Forever President and CEO.
St Pierre’s opening remarks set the tone for the evening as he welcomed the crowd to enjoy the evening and share in celebrating this new protected land that becomes “all of ours.”

Bob St. Pierre
Meanwhile, Holland noted that even though the monument marker is set in place, the property is still a cornfield. “The transformation has not begun, but there is such great potential here, and it will be all of ours as we return in a year or two or three. It took all of us to make this happen.”

Matt Holland
John Smeltzer, president of the Spirit Lake Protective Association (SLPA), shared just how important this project has been to the entire watershed. “The importance of the collaboration and patience required to make a project like this come together should not be underestimated. The SLPA is but a small partner in this entire effort. We have a passion for protecting our waters, and we appreciate the investment we are all making in this area. This is truly a legacy project.”

John Smeltzer
As Vetter took the microphone, she reflected on the impact this parcel of land would have for everybody and nodded toward where Vincent was sitting. “Howard has taught us over the years that we can’t, and we don’t do this alone. He taught us to think bigger and to work together.”

Marilyn Vetter
As Vincent came to the front, applause echoed through the adjacent cornfield, which would soon become the Howard K. Vincent Waterfowl Production Area. With a smile, he shared how much he enjoyed being part of Pheasants Forever. “It is very humbling to be here at a place with your name on it! The true champions in all these projects are the volunteers. The volunteers, the team and the sponsors have been the key. The mission is more important than the brand itself.”

Howard Vincent
With the program completed, Vincent accompanied by his family headed to the still-covered monument marker.

Vincent family
In unison, they threw off the cover, and the Howard K. Vincent Waterfowl Production Area became official!

Vincent and wife Wendy
All about the Howard K. Vincent Waterfowl Production Area
Located northeast of the Mini-Wakan State Park entrance (north side of Big Spirit Lake) on the Minnesota side of Grade Road or Stateline Road, this parcel of farmland has historically flooded during the early spring runoff and again during heavy spring and summer rains, sending the temporary nutrient rich water across into McClelland Slough, finally reaching Big Spirit Lake.
Conservationists, clean water groups and lake homeowners in the Iowa Great Lakes Watershed worked for years to secure this property. Finally in May of 2022, the land was secured through the contributions from the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund (USFWS), Wildlife Habitat Society of McLeod County, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Spirit Lake Protective Association, the Dickinson County Water Quality Commission (IA), onX Hunt, Nestle PURINA, Jackson County Chapter of Pheasants Forever, along with business and individual donors who believed in the need to purchase the land. All contributions support the Build A Wildlife Area® program which is seeking to raise funds to complete this project and pursue a second phase addition to build upon this habitat complex.
A healthy future
The property will now be managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for quality habitat and outdoor recreation such as hunting, hiking, trapping, photography and bird watching. When completed, the Howard K. Vincent WPA will also address several conservation plans, including the MN Pheasant Action Plan, North American Waterfowl Management Plan and the Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Management Plan.
Renovation plans
Projects like this don’t just happen in a few weeks or even a year. It will take time to put all this together. This a multi-year project that will take anywhere from 3-5 years to complete. When completed, it will be developed into the following:
- The original wetland area will be reclaimed, and water will be slowed and allowed to drop its contaminants prior to entering the Iowa Great Lakes system.
- Additional benefits of this acquisition include the following: the restoration of a large habitat complex critical to resident and migrant wildlife species; a premier public recreation/education area that will be used by citizens from many states; and demonstration of the dramatic effects that can be realized when new and diverse groups of partners address common conservation needs without regards to political boundaries.
- Wetland restoration of a previously drained 80-acre wetland and over 110 acres of tall grass prairie restoration for the rest. This will provide an estimated 85 percent reduction in phosphorus and nitrogen annually and a reduction of 30 tons of sediment per two-inch rainfall to Big Spirit Lake.
- New wetland and grassland habitats for wildlife, reduced soil erosion, improved water quality, reduced runoff, reduced flooding and sequestration of carbon.
More about Howard K. Vincent
Vincent spent nearly 40 years with Pheasants Forever, first as a volunteer and then as a full-time employee in 1987. In 2000, he became the President and CEO of Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever. The newly named property reflects Vincent’s lifetime career accomplishments and leadership he provided for the amazing growth of the wildlife conservation organization.
In an earlier interview, Vetter, who replaced Vincent as president and CEO of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever reflected, “Howard has left an indelible mark on America’s uplands as a passionate advocate for habitat conservation through his calm and steady leadership. Creating and dedicating a Waterfowl Protection Area that will be restored to high quality habitat and protected forever is a fitting way to honor his legacy.”