By Steve Weisman
The Okoboji Blue Water Festival, which is held annually at Preservation Plaza on the shores of Wet Lake Okoboji on the second Saturday of August, recently received the Sustainability Initiative Award for a small market from the Iowa Travel Industry Partners (ITIP) at the ITIP Summer Celebration Annual Meeting on Monday, June 12 in Cedar Falls.
This award recognizes efforts that reduce the impact of human activity on the environment while promoting tourism in Iowa. The unique combination of raising awareness, fundraising, and entertaining is a testament to the creativity of the festival organizers. Chelsea Lerud, ITIP Executive Director, discusses the reasons why the Okoboji Blue Water Festival is such a fit for the Sustainability Initiative Award. “The unique combination of raising awareness, fundraising, and entertaining is a testament to the creativity of the festival organizers.”
Rebecca Peters, Director of Tourism for Okoboji Tourism, says, “I’m excited that the Okoboji Blue Water Festival has been honored with this award. The organizers, volunteers and sponsors have come together to create an outstanding festival that drives tourism while educating the public on clean water in a very fun atmosphere. I know that the organizers and volunteers are all hard at work to make the 2023 festival the best one ever!”
Organizer and co-chair Greg Drees reflects on the importance of the award. “Our goal certainly fits the category of the Sustainability Initiative Award, by reducing the impact of human activity on the environment while promoting the Iowa Great Lakes. It is truly an all-day clean water celebration.”
Drees continues, “This award is truly a tribute to the many sponsors and volunteers, along with the efforts of co-chair Julie Peterson, who make the Okoboji Blue Water Festival a ‘must attend’ clean water event for people from all over Iowa extending into surrounding states. With the help of sponsors and volunteers, there is no charge…it is free all day! From 8 a.m. to well after dark, the day literally has something for everyone.”
A little Festival history
The Okoboji Blue Water Festival was founded in 2016 as a venue to promote clean water and other natural resources advocacy in the Iowa Great Lakes. The initial event – featuring exhibitors, speakers, fishing seminar, fun-filled family activities and a concert – proved to be so successful that the organizers made the commitment to make the festival an annual event at Preservation Plaza on the shores of West Lake Okoboji the second Saturday in August. The festival has grown exponentially each year and is now regarded as the premier water quality event in Iowa.
This year’s Okoboji Blue Water Festival is set for Saturday, August 12 at Preservation Plaza. To learn more, go to the Okoboji Blue Water Festival website (https.//

A special congratulations from the Iowa Travel Industry to the Okoboji Blue Water Festival for winning the Sustainability Initiative Award.

Okoboji Blue Water Festival organizer stands at Preservation Plaza on the shores of West Lake Okoboji with the Sustainability Initiative Award.