By Steve Weisman
The first ever Bass Federation’s (TBF) Student Angler Federation (SAF) is scheduled for Saturday, May 20 on the Okoboji Chain of Lakes for the SAF Iowa State Championships. According to SAF Youth Director, Bob Harris, “I am anticipating around 50 boats consisting of two-youth partners per boat for this year’s championships based on youth who are already members. There will be teams from all over the state of Iowa in attendance.”
There will be both Junior (grades 3-8) and High School (grades 9-12) categories all trying to earn a qualifying sport for the Junior World Championships or the High School National Championships, respectively. Each team has an adult mentor, who provides the boat (must be at least a 16-foot boat with a working livewell) and acts as the boat captain. Harris says, “The adult will captain the boat and can help with netting a fish, helping with a rod/reel/lure issue or making suggestions. They cannot, however, take up and rod and reel and fish.”
What better place than the Okoboji chain of lakes to have a bass tournament in May? “That’s why we picked the Okobojis. There is plenty of elbow room and the bass fishery, both for largemouth and smallmouth bass, is incredible. If the weather is good, I can see 5-fish limits of big fish coming to the weigh-in.”
About the tournament
The tournament itself will launch and have its weigh-in at Emerson Bay Boat Ramp. Take-off will begin at 7:00 a.m. or first safe light with weigh-in at 2:30 p.m. Tournament anglers must be off the water by 5 p.m. on Friday afternoon, with registration and check-in taking place between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. with the mandatory rules meeting to follow. The Official Hotel is Arrowwood Resort and Conference Center with rooms blocked under IA Fishing State Tournament.
Tournament rules allow teams to keep a 5-bass (largemouth, smallmouth, spotted bass) limit per boat.
Harris says his goal is to have over $8,000 in prizes to give out to the teams. “We are blessed with some excellent sponsors, who help us so much in this area. I am hoping that we can find more local sponsors to help support these young anglers. After all, they are the future of fishing!”
The weigh-in will be like a major bass tournament weigh-in with a trailer and stage, with teams bringing their fish up to the official scale, a PA system to announce weights with everything livestreamed. The livestream can be accessed at Following the weigh-in, the Iowa Great Lakes Fishing Club (IGLFC) will be providing a meal for entrants and their families.
For more information, contact Harris by calling (712) 304-2015 or via email at
Looking for local youth anglers
Harris says, “Although SAF is not in this area, I know that there are lots of young bass anglers, both boys and girls, here in northwest Iowa. Plus, I know they already have a good knowledge of the bass fishery. I encourage them to hook up with a friend and get an adult mentor (boat owner) and compete in either the Junior or High School divisions. An angler in the Junior division can fish with a partner in the High School division, say a brother/sister/good friend.”
There is no entry fee. Instead, to be eligible, all the youth anglers have to do is become an active TBF member (cost is $25). Each SAF student will also receive full competitor MLF membership and a one-year subscription to MLF Electronic Magazine, as well as he/she automatically qualifies to be considered for the opportunity to fish in the most prestigious high school event in the nation, the High School Fishing World Finals! The Finals will be held this coming June 20-24 on the Mississippi River at LaCrosse, WI. According to Harris, “At Okoboji, for instance, the top ten percent of the field will automatically be invited to the World Finals.”
Terry Thomsen, president of the Iowa Great Lakes Fishing Club (IGLFC), says, “The IGLFC is excited to be able to partner with SAF. One of our goals is to help youngsters enjoy fishing. We see this as a great opportunity for our area youth. All they have to do is get a partner in their same age group and have an adult mentor/boat captain, and they are set to go. To help get area youngsters involved, the IGLFC will pay the SAF $25 membership if the youngster’s parent or guardian is a member of the IGLFC.”
Sunday Special Event
Here’s something special for Sunday, May 21. Harris notes, “This year we are also creating a special boat captain tournament for Sunday to say thank you for helping the students experience tournament fishing just like the Bassmasters Elite Series.” Fish limit will again be five bass per boat. Launch will take place at 6 a.m. with weigh-in at 2 p.m.
Captains can fish alone or can also fish with their student anglers who competed on Saturday. Payback will go to 30th place, ranging from $500 for first place, $250 for second place, $150 for third place, $100 for fourth place and $75 for fifth place, with 6th through 10th getting $25. Big Fish prize of $500 for adult and $100 IGLFC Big Fish for the top student angler.

(photo submitted) Group shot of all competitors at last year’s TBF/SAF Iowa State Championship at 3 Mile Lake near Afton, IA.

(photo submitted) Teams at last year’s State Championship getting ready to take off.