By Steve Weisman

(photo submitted) There’s something for all ages at this year’s Pheasant Fest.
The much acclaimed and annual National Pheasant Fest & Qual Classic, which is presented by Federal, is scheduled for Friday, February 17 through Sunday, February 19 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
Hours will be noon to 7 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. According to the website, National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic is the nation’s largest upland tradeshow and convention has something for everyone including hunters, landowners and bird dog enthusiasts. Coming attractions for 2023 include a Upland Film Festival, Public Lands Pavilion, Path to the Uplands Stage, Habitat Stage, Bird Dog Stage, and more than 400 unique vendors featuring outfitters, gear, food, and so much more! Tickets and more information can be found at
Jared Wiklund, public relations manager for Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, and a former Iowa resident who worked with more than 50 chapters in the Hawkeye state, says, “National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic is the Superbowl event of the uplands for 2023, featuring the most prolific dog trainers, upland gear, biologists, and seminar speakers that pheasant and quail country have to offer!”
This tradeshow and seminar series started in St. Paul, Minnesota at the RiverCentre in 2004. Since that time, National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic has grown into the largest gathering in the country designed for upland hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts. National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic last visited the Minneapolis Convention Center in 2020 with nearly 32,000 in attendance.
What’s on this year’s docket
It’s one of those whirlwind weekends with seemingly something going on each day. One of the coolest events is the annual Bird Dog Parade that kicks off the three-day event at 11 a.m., approximately one hour before the general showroom floor opens. Over 100 dogs representing over 40 different sporting breeds will be part of the parade.
The weekend is truly a pheasant/quail enthusiast’s mecca with a special Friday Night Upland Rally (sold out), the National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic Banquet on Saturday night (sold out) and a special Women, Wine and Wild Game on Sunday morning.
Special areas are set up for all weekend. Habitat Help Desk is an area of the show dedicated to helping landowners meet their habitat goals. Trained wildlife biologists will be on hand to share ways landowners can improve their acres for wildlife habitat as well as what local, state and federal conservation programs are available.
A second one is Youth Village. The goal is to help connect kids to nature and the uplands through a variety of hands-on activities and learning stations.
Pollinator Pathway will also be available all weekend. Pollinator Plaza will provide information on popular pollinator species, citizen science research projects, fundraising campaigns and habitat programs being implemented to provide quality habitat for a host of grassland and wildflower-dependent species, including pollinators, upland birds and other wildlife.
Another “all weekend” opportunity is the Bird Dog Trauma Training program that will offer hands-on training covering life-saving field care for your bird dogs. Training will cover trauma management, bird dog nutrition and how to safely remove bird dogs from traps encountered in the field.
Grouse Trail is an all-weekend opportunity sponsored by the North American Grouse partnership will give attendees the chance to learn more about these magnificent gamebirds, the habitat challenges they face and how participating partners are collaborating with Pheasants Forever to conserve critical upland habitat.
Special workshop entitled Landowner Workshop will be held on Friday, February 17 from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Soil experts, precision agriculture experts, farm bill experts, farm lease experts and land stewardship experts. There is no cost, but people must pre-register to attend the workshop. The goal for the workshop is for landowners to leave this event with an understanding of why taking care of their soil will result in better wildlife habitat … and with skills to create wildlife habitat on their property, a toolbox of options for better communication with their renter and an understanding of why we are merely stewards of this land for the next generation.
Wicklund adds, “From veteran bird dog owners to new hunters who are finding their way into the field for the first time, National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic is a place where everyone can find their path to the uplands while connecting with other hunters, industry leaders, and professional wildlife biologists. A relatively short drive from Iowa, I hope upland bird hunters will join us to ‘extend your season’ and learn about all the wonderful things the organization is accomplishing for public land bird hunters in the Midwest and beyond.”