By Steve Weisman
For the second consecutive year, the Iowa Great Lakes Fishing Club (IGLFC) is offering its members the opportunity for an Adult/Kid Hardwater Tournament on Saturday, January 21 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Fishing will take place in the bay just north of the Ritz. Cones will be placed to designate the tournament boundaries.
With 300+ members, one of the IGLFC’s goals is to get families involved in the outdoors – especially through fishing. Thus, the Adult/Kid Fishing Tournament. It will be a partner event with an adult (16 years of age and older) and a youngster (15 years of age or younger). Paul Daniels, IGLFC board member and tournament organizer, notes, “This will be a great opportunity for grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, older siblings to partner with a youngster for a couple hours of fun time on the ice. It also gives anglers a chance to experience tournament fishing in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. ”
Prizes will be awarded for the top two placers in the following categories: panfish, yellow bass, walleye, northern pike, smallmouth bass and largemouth bass.
The fishing process
When teams arrive, a club member will be there to help direct traffic and keep the access clear.
Registration will take place from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. The IGLFC will have a permanent ice house on the ice, where teams will register. There will be no cost for club members to enter the competition.
Daniels notes, “We welcome non club members to come out and fish, too. All it takes for a non-member is to pay $25 to become a member, and they and their partner will be entered.”
When the tournament is completed, results will be tabulated and winners in each category announced. After the tournament, all teams are encouraged to come to the second floor of the Ritz for appetizers provided by the club and the awards ceremony. .
If you have specific questions about the tournament, contact Paul Daniels at (712) 260-9549. To keep up to date with information about the tournament and other club news, go to the Iowa Great Lakes Fishing Club’s Facebook page.

(photo submitted) Participants at last year’s tournament enjoyed refreshments and the warmth of The Ritz at the awards ceremony.