By Steve Weisman
The Iowa Great Lakes Fishing Club (IGLFC) will be hosting its annual fall DNR night at Oak Hill Outdoor located at the north edge of Milford (across the road to the north of Perkins) on Thursday, November 10. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., with pizza at 6 p.m., followed by the DNR presentations at 7 p.m.
According to IGLFC president Terry Thomsen, “This is always a great event with excellent information provided by our DNR personnel. The evening, including the food and beverage, is free for club members. Cost will be $10 for non-members to cover the cost of the pizza.”
A variety of prizes will be awarded in an end of the evening raffle. In addition to the normal raffle items, a special raffle will honor our veterans (Veteran’s Day is the next day-November 11) with each veteran getting a free raffle ticket for the Veteran’s-only raffle and raffle items.
The evening will also include an opportunity to renew memberships and for non-members to become members. Cost of membership is $25, which covers the cost of an entire family. “Our memberships help the IGLFC achieve its mission and vision statements: to recruit youth to the sport, encouraging connection to the outdoors and fishing as a lifelong passion; to contribute to the environment and our communities by improving the quality of local fisheries and promoting involvement through educational and recreational activities.”
With the number of memberships continuing to increase, the IGLFC board hopes to continue expanding fishing opportunities for more individuals in all area communities.