By Steve Weisman

Photo submitted
Yes, spring is quickly approaching, and anglers are looking forward to open water fishing in the Iowa Great Lakes. To kick off the spring season, the Upper Great Plains Chapter 29 of Muskies Inc., is offering its annual spring Muskie Fishing Seminar on Wednesday, April 13 at the Oak Hill Outdoor on the north end of Milford (2188/IA-86). Doors open at 6 p.m., and the seminar is free to the public.
According to Chapter President, Joe Anderson, “The Chapter is excited to bring muskie guide, Steve Jonesi from Cedar Rapids for our seminar at Oak Hill Outdoor.” Doors open at 6 p.m.
A Chicago native, Jonesi is the owner of the Steve Jonesi Fishing and Guide Service. As Jonesi notes, “Time on the water is, and has always been, the best teacher of fishing and the art of angling.”
Jonesi, who has over 45 years of fishing muskies and caught his first muskie when he was nine years old, is excited about talking to area muskie anglers. He plans on discussing a little personal background, muskie fishing opportunities in the Hawkeye state, tackle and presentation techniques.
A couple of opportunities will be offered during the evening: a special raffle for a guide trip with Jonesi and a 10 percent discount offer on tackle for all attendees. Anderson notes, “Although the evening centers around the seminar, we will spend a few minutes at the beginning to introduce those in attendance with news about our Chapter and what the Chapter offers its members. We think this is a great way to kick off the open water season!”
About the Chapter
Iowa’s first muskie club was started in 1968 and was called the Iowa Great Lakes Muskie Club. The club bought and stocked most of the original muskie fingerlings that were stocked in the Iowa Great Lakes for three to four years after the club began. In the mid-1970s, the Iowa DNR took over stocking in Iowa lakes. The club was chartered into Muskies Inc. as a chapter in 1978.
Since that time, Chapter 29 has been active in the Iowa Great Lakes promoting not only the sport of muskie fishing but also many other conservation programs. For more information, check the Upper Great Plains Muskie Inc., Chapter 29 Facebook page.