By Steve Weisman

(photo submitted) Seminar clinician Doug Wegner holds a trophy muskie.
Although ice fishing is still going strong as we move into February, we also begin to look at the calendar and long for the days of open water fishing. Lurking in our Iowa Great Lakes is the ultimate trophy fish: the muskie.
If you are interested in learning more about muskie fishing, here is your opportunity. The Upper Great Plains Chapter 29 of Muskies Inc., is offering its annual spring Muskie Fishing Seminar with Doug Wegner at the Oak Hill Outdoor (2188/IA-86), which is located across the road to the south of Perkins Restaurant on Wednesday, February 12. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Jake Jostand, Oak Hill Outdoor co-owner, is excited to offer the facility to the local muskie chapter. “We look forward to hosting the muskie seminar. We hope to have a good crowd to hear what muskie expert Doug Wegner has to say.”
Wegner’s seminar will cover Green Bay Muskie/Walleyes/Small Mouth Bass Fishing, plus also Muskie fishing on Lake of the Woods.
According to Travis Sweisberger, club president, “The Chapter is pleased to have Doug Wegner as our speaker. The seminar is free to the public, and we encourage anyone interested in learning more about muskie fishing to attend.”
About Wegner
Captain Doug Wegner, a licensed coast guard certified captain, has been guiding fishing trips since 2015. In 2019, Wegner guided over 150 trips, spending the majority of his time on the waters of Green Bay targeting muskies, walleyes and smallmouth. He also guides on Canadian waters in the summer chasing muskies.
In addition, Wegner spends time talking at sports shows, local fishing clubs and large group events teaching fellow anglers as much as possible.
More activities
The evening’s activities also include a raffle for a new rod and reel combo, along with auctioning off a nine-hour guided fishing trip with muskie expert Doug Wegner. Food will be provided with cost being a donation to the Upper Great Plains Chapter 29 of Muskies Inc., chapter.
All proceeds will go the Upper Great Plains Chapter 29 of Muskies Inc. These funds are used to help in the stocking efforts for our local lakes and to help repair the boat ramp docks in the area.
About the Chapter
Iowa’s first muskie club was started in 1968 and was called the Iowa Great Lakes Muskie Club. The club bought and stocked most of the original muskie fingerlings that were stocked in the Iowa Great Lakes for three to four years after the club began. In the mid-1970s, the Iowa DNR took over stocking in Iowa lakes. The club was chartered into Muskies Inc. as a chapter in 1978.
Since that time, Chapter 29 has been active in the Iowa Great Lakes promoting not only the sport of muskie fishing but also many other conservation programs. For more information, check the Upper Great Plains Muskie Inc., Chapter 29 Facebook page.