By Steve Weisman

(photo submitted) Johnny Campbell (center) holds his Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame plaque following the induction ceremony. At left is Emmet Brown, Director of the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame and to the right, Ted Takasaki, a hall of famer and fishing colleague who provided the introduction for Campbell’s induction ceremony.
For John Campbell, local guide and highly successful longtime professional walleye tournament angler, last Wednesday (May 15) was a true highpoint in his fishing career. That was the day Campbell, his family, longtime business associates, fellow tournament anglers and friends attended Campbell’s induction into the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame.
Campbell says, “It was a very exciting day, a huge honor to be inducted with all of the great fishermen who have been recognized over the years for their contributions to the fishing industry.” Reflecting more on this honor, Campbell adds, “My wife, Juli and I visited the Hall 30 years ago and were in awe of the fishing legends. At the time, I believe Mike McClelland, Bob Probst, Gary Roach, Gary Parsons and Keith Kavajecz had just been inducted. Ted Takasaki and I were young guys just starting out on our journey.”
For Campbell, having mentors in the fishing industry has been extremely important. “I really looked up to these pros and learned a lot from them. Spence Petros was a mentor who also taught me a lot. I fished with many great fishermen over the years including Chris Gilman, Jimmy Saric, Tommy Skarlis, Tommy Keenan, Perry Good, Jeff Taege, Pat Byle, Perry Parks, Jim McDonnell, Cliff Hoagland and many others. I learned from every one of them. It is a great honor for my family, and I want to thank all my friends and supporters!”
The ceremony took place at the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum building at 3 p.m., with Ted Takasaki, fellow Hall of Famer and longtime fishing colleague providing Campbell’s introduction to the Hall. Takasaki says, “It was a wonderful day, the weather was perfect! Very proud to have the opportunity to give Johnny’s Hall of Fame introduction.”
Takasaki also reflected on what Johnny Campbell has meant to him. “You know, sometimes in our life there is one individual who can greatly impact and even change our life. For me, Johnny is that person. We met 40 years ago at a fraternity when we both were attending the University of Illinois. We both loved sports, but Johnny was also really into fishing. We ended up fishing together, took fishing classes from Spence Petros, the editor of Fishing Facts magazine, and we fished together as professional anglers. Johnny truly changed the course of my life. It’s enabled me to live the American dream; Johnny is the catalyst who inspired me to become a professional angler and become part of the fishing industry.”
Following the ceremony, Campbell shared a reflection. “After learning of this award, I’ve taken time to reflect on my career from tournament angling to guiding here on the Iowa Great Lakes. I’ve walleye fished a lot of lakes across the country, and I truly believe that the Iowa DNR does a tremendous job of maintaining our walleye fisheries. We have some of the best waters in the country, not only for walleyes but for other gamefish, too.”
How he got to the Hall
Campbell’s 25-year tournament career featured success at the highest level: the MWC, the PWT and the FLW circuits. “In 1991, Ted and I won the MWC Team of the Year title. It was the only walleye circuit around, so all of the top tournament anglers were a part of it.” Campbell also won a couple of major titles along the way. Consistency was Campbell’s trademark, and he made the championships 24 straight years! His consistency has made him one of the top money winners of all time.
It was truly a great run, but after 25 years as a professional angler, Campbell knew the wear and tear was getting to him, and it was time for a change. So, he left both the sales position in Chicago and tournament angling for a guiding career on the Iowa Great Lakes.
Campbell began Campbell Fishing Expeditions in 2013. Campbell guides from May through October with two goals in mind: to teach clients how to become better anglers and to create an atmosphere of fun and excitement.
“It has taken a lot of hard work, but I have enjoyed all aspects of fishing from being a kid fishing off the dock on West Okoboji, to the 25 years of tournament fishing and all of the seminars in the off season to the past six years of guiding. It’s been a lot of fun! I grew up in the Chicago area, but from the time I was little, my family would come and stay at Methodist’s Camp, and I fished, well, as much as you can fish when you are two years old!” the 62-year-old Campbell says with a laugh. Simply put, the rest is history!
Yes, things have come full circle, from the two-year old fishing at Methodist’s Camp, to a 25-year professional angling career, to becoming a member of the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame inductee, to guiding on the Iowa Great Lakes with the hopes of having many more years making fishing memories!