Andy Toms pictured showing off 2 of the bigger catfish that came out of the raccoon river.
The Little Sioux Fishing Club hosted its first annual “Crazy Cat Challenge” June 1st to the 3rd. This years corporate sponsor was Hook, Line & Sinker in South Sioux City NE.
This contest varied from the Little Sioux Fishing Clubs (LSFC) traditional catfishing tournaments in that the event was 3 days instead of just overnight. The LSFC still kept its traditional “team” fishing aspect. Teams consisting of up to 4 anglers registered at Little Sioux Park near Correctionville IA Friday evening, and returned for weigh in Sunday morning. Each team could weigh in a limit of only 3 catfish, other LSFC tournaments allow a 5 fish stringer.
Different for the Crazy Cat Challenge was also the area that could be fished was expanded. Anglers could fish in any waters of the State of Iowa. Other LSFC events are restricted to the stretch of the Little Sioux River from Cherokee to Smithland. As always, only legal means of fishing could be used. Most of the largest flathead catfish weighed in came from the Raccoon River, with the best channel catfish coming out of the Little Sioux River.
16 teams representing 34 anglers signed up for the Crazy Cat Challenge. Taking top honors for the largest catfish on the weekend was Waide Sargent with a monster 41.6 lbs. flathead catfish. The top stringer weighed an impressive 101.6 lbs., and was caught by the team of Ryan Newbaum, Gaylen Bollig, Joey Allen, Nick Kafton.

Waide Sargent with the largest catfish caught during the Crazy Cat Challenge.